Our Aikido sessions take place every Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesday & Thursday from 8:30 to 10:30 pm
Each session will focus on the following:
First half
Tuesday & Thursday 8:30 - 9:30 pm
Bukiwasa: Weapons training
Second half
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 pm
Taijutsu: Empty-handed techniques
Please note that Bukiwasa and Taijutsu go hand in hand, so it’s important to attend the whole session to understand the relationship.
Bring your own Jo and Bokken (we would recommend Iwama Bokken and Jo).
If you are new to Aikido, we may have a few spare weapons that we can lend.
Our fees:
Non Members
Tuesday & Thursday: £18 per two-hour session
Tuesday & Thursday: £12 per two-hour session
Or choose a monthly membership:
2 classes a week: £70 per month
(To be paid on the 1st every month) to benefit from reduced fees for every Tuesday & Thursday session that month.
Non-refundable if any classes are missed.
How do I become a member?
It’s very straightforward! Fill in an application form and pay the yearly membership fee, which is £35 per year. You’ll receive your personal Membership book (TIAE - Takemusu Iwama Aikido Association) with your unique membership number (important for gradings) and you’ll receive your annual insurance certificate, valid for 12 months. You will need to renew your membership every 12 months to stay insured.
Your membership book will be used for all Kyus and Dan gradings, and any future seminars.
Bokken (Wooden Iwama Sword) £55 (on order only)*
Jo (Wooden Iwama staff) £55 (on order only)*
*We require an order of minimum 10 Bokken / 10 Jo and delivery may take 2-3 weeks (from Japan). Prices are subject to exchange rate.